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AYM Treatment

Kusum Modak method with Naseem Roberto Baffa

Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) with Naseem is a deep relaxing and therapeutic manual treatment that combines Soft and Deep Massage with essential oils and Yoga-based stretching therapy, Myofascial Release and ancient Energy work, in a complete rejuvenating and body alignment process.

The AYM treatment is tailored to suit all, it brings benefit to every body, all ages and any shape or size. Children and elderly, athletes and dancers as well as office workers and the sedentary are welcome to enjoy the healing touch.

A treatment with Naseem touch re-establishes health and alignment, and encourages a supple body and a calm mind. Particularly good if you have a busy schedule and feel the need to regain energy and balance.


Naseem shares an integrative treatment
process towards maintaining:





The AYM Method was created by the master Kusum Modak in Pune, India, who has developed the Indian traditional Ayurvedic Massage introducing different stretches and ‘passive asanas’ coming from Yoga, learnt directly from the master B.K.S. Iyengar. Naseem trained directly with Kusum Modak in 2001 and 2002, and then introduced techniques from Thai massage, Shaitsu and Lymphatic drainage to stimulate the different body’s systems.


Naseem has more than thirty years experience in bodywork as Contemporary and Contact Improvisation performer and teacher, and his professional life as a dancer gives him an in-depth understanding in body movement and familiarity with touch. The flow of Reiki energy is also combined during each session to stimulate, harmonize and balance also the more subtle energies of the body.


Since 2018, Naseem has integrated the original Myofascial Release and Structural Alignment method, learned with master Usha Heller in New York, into his treatments. The MSA Method is based on a clear understanding of natural posture and efficient movement. It combines myofascial release with assisted movements to realign the skeleton and address the structural causes of common tensions and chronic pain.



Promotes vital energy flow (Prana) inducing deep relaxation, awareness and openness
Eliminates stress and removes toxins stored in muscles, skin and organs
Enhance respiratory and metabolic systems
Boosts blood and lymphatic circulation
Nourishes, tones and firms the skin
Relaxes tensions, eases pain, and improves flexibility of muscles, spine and all joints
Realigns the body, increases movement range, and facilitates healthy posture
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) is usually performed on a comfortable mattress on the floor, just like shiatsu and traditional Thai massage, or on a massage table.
This thorough treatment generally takes between one and two hours and always covers the entire body.
Immediate benefits will be noticed on the physical, psychological-emotional and spiritual levels.

“… A massage with Naseem is like experiencing a dance
and a synchronicity of the mind, body and soul…”

Visit also the TESTIMONIALS page to read feedbacks about other benefits and positive ‘side effects’…

Upcoming AYM Treatments

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"We are One"

"When I touch you, my mind is empty.
All the bodies that I have touched have been ‘my books’."

· Kusum Modak ·


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